Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fat lazy parents taking little Jimmy to the pool

What is with the fat lazy parents taking their offspring for swimming lessons whilst they sit on the side lines doing nothing? If you feel you need for a professional to teach your child to swim, let them do their job, they do not need twenty parents of the ten children in the pool looking over their shoulder. Can you not use the time to nip to the grocery store so I don't have to listen to your tired, hungry and board offspring screaming whilst I do my shopping? Alternatively here is an idea, whilst you are already at the gym for an hour, whilst your brood is been looked after by the staff why don't you take the time to do something for your own health?

Whilst you might at least credit the parents for caring about their child's health this is not the case. In an attempt to do as little as possible they cut the corners off the designated walkway leading their children through the weights area. Having random small children wandering oblivious in an area where lumps of iron often heavier than the child in question is guess what, not the safe. The number of children who have come within inches of been kicked in the head whilst I do leg raises I cannot count and rather than the parent rescuing the unfortunate child from danger they simply give you a distaining look for daring to exercise in the area marked "weights gym" and "no children".

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