Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where I am now...

I am currently getting back into training after taking the summer off for a variety of reasons, not least moving house. This time of year is (for me at least) the perfect time to hit the gym. The gyms are in a relatively low season (compared to the Christmas chaos or summer holiday rush) and so it's a good time to get routine settled.

Looking at where I am now, I weigh in about 188lbs with more body fat than I would like and the edge taken off all my pre-summer max lifts / general fitness levels. The obvious initial goal is thus to get back to where I left off in July, the next goals are to improve on this. Specifically for next year I want to increase my lifts, general cardio fitness and work on my weak points - inner pec development, upper back thickness, outer bicep, grip strength and of course general body fat.

The weight loss is the lower priority, whilst caring more weight than I would like I don't need to look good on a beach until holiday season next year. I dropped 40lbs last year for the trip out to Cali, so as long as I'm sensible training and eating I am fine for next year.

Progress is always both diet and routine, however I know my diet is relatively good and the lack of time down the gym is the weak link and so needs solving first. As my training progresses I can worry about the diet side more.

Thus the initial route map is relatively simple, to regain my previous achievements I need to start training down the gym. For the first few weeks I will edge in slowly with a view that by the end the month I can do two heavy weight days and two high intensity days a week.

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