Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pet peeves... I

Yesterday at the gym I was remembered of one of my pet peeves, people who use the exact same weight for lots of different exercises. I can do dumbbell rows with twice the weight I can overhead press and this is again twice the weight I use for deltoid raises. Each exercise is different because you are stressing different muscles in different ways, so guess what, you need a different weight to do them effectively.

I know there are people who work primarily on cardio and so rush through a series of exercises trying to tax the heart and lungs rather than the muscles, and these people I will give some slack to. However the majority of the offenders are not trying to do this, they just do not understand that different muscles have different needs.

If you work one of the large muscle groups with the same weight as one of the smaller muscles, you will simply not train the larger muscle properly. If you are training at the rate of the smallest muscle group you are both stunting you own progress (be that muscle growth, weight loss or "toning") and will end up with a bizarre body type with big secondary muscles and underdeveloped large core muscles.

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