Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Too clean!

so I joined up at the local lifetime fitness today and did my first workout there. Now in my experience the first time training in any gym is never great, each varies slightly in etiquette, feel, equipment, layout ect and until you feel comfortable you don't work out 100%. Not to mention I am just getting back into training and had already worked out Monday and Tuesday so was somewhat tired, and woke up unexplainably at 4AM for a couple of hours, and was training at a different time of day to normal.

Anyway putting these aside I am not convinced by the gym, but the best way to explain it is that it's too clean. After years training in crappy gyms with no natural daylight and equipment older than me it seems weird to train at this place. I kind of get the feeling from rocky 3 (I think) where he trainings in the modern plush gym and loses his edge, so goes back to the crap hole gym to find it. I like crap hole gyms and this place is way too nice. That said it's $10 a month more expensive than the local rec center (council gym) and has way better amenities... If only there were a craphole gym nearby.

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